Vamsi Anguluru

iOS Engineer

Swift Engineer

Games Developer

Vamsi Anguluru

iOS Engineer

Swift Engineer

Games Developer

Blog Post

Sprite Kit Introduction

October 9, 2013 Uncategorized

Sprite kit framework from Apple to design 2D games is out now. That means no more Cocos 2D, Sparrow or any other third party 2D game framework. Developers can still use them but as a native objective-C developer this is a real deal. Of course it still cannot replace the 3D game engines like Unity or Unreal, but as a big fan of 2D games Spritekit will definitely benefit me.Checklist for getting started with Spritekit.

  • First place would definitely be looking at documentation from apple on Spritekit and a beautiful demo game called “Adventure” designed by apple to show how far we can stretch Spritekit. 
  • Some people prefer watching then reading, wwdc 2013 videos about spritekit.
  • Tools like particle editors and debugging tools in xcode are exceptionally handy and great. 
  • Source code for 3 other games by apple for both iOS and Mac OSx

There gonna be a more books and online tutorial post follow in coming days.  

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